🍺 Inversion IPA from Deschutes Brewery

After several months of experimentation, energy and obsession, Deschutes Brewery’s brewers have triumphed once again. Inversion I.P.A.’s trio of American hops delivers an over-the-top nose with hints of orange and grapefruit. Inversion is then dry-hopped for seven days resulting in an added hoppy kick. To balance the hop character, Deschutes’ brewers used crystal and caraston malts that weave throughout the beer providing soft, complex caramel flavors.

Just like clear days up on the mountain, Inversion I.P.A. will deliver a path to higher ground. Inversion I.P.A. is a phenomenal NW-style I.P.A., beckoning all beer drinkers and enticing I.P.A. lovers to invert their world and find clarity above the routine of the everyday.

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